The essence of all of our experience and previous projects, journeys and encounters. In the here and now. A holistic concept of menu, wine, space and art. A carefree stroll in the sunlight, casting an inquisitive glance over everything that grows by the wayside. A place of inspiration in the middle of Frankfurt am Main. A house on the precipice of a new era. All of this is Sommerfeld for us. We can’t wait to see what it will mean to you.
Do you have any questions or special concerns?
Here is an overview of what’s most important.
Reserve, arrive and enjoy yourself. Basically, it’s pretty simple. If you want to know something in advance, you might find the answer here. If you need anything else, please contact us by e-mail so that we can get everything ready for you.
How can I make a reservation?
Please only use the reservation function on our website. You can make a reservation up to two months in advance.
For how many people can I make a reservation?
You can make a reservation for 2 to 6 people on our website. Please contact us by e-mail if you would like to bring more than 6 people. Reservations for single people are available Tuesdays to Thursdays.
Do I need a credit card to make a reservation?
Yes, a credit card is mandatory to make a binding table reservation. Your card will not be charged when you make the reservation. However, if the free cancellation period of one to three days before your planned visit should expire, we reserve the right to charge your card at €95 per person. Please note our policy for cancellations and making changes to reservations.
What is your policy for cancellations and changing reservations?
Working with high-quality, daily fresh ingredients requires careful planning and precise timing. This is why we rely on binding reservations. You may cancel your reservation or change the number of diners without any charge up to 24 hours before your planned arrival (48 hours for 6 people or more, 72 hours for 10 people or more). Once this cancellation period has expired, we will charge a fee of €95 per person to your card.
Which menus do you offer?
We offer a tasting menu at the current price of €149 per person. We are happy to cater for guests who wish to eat vegetarian food. Please notify us of any dietary requirements 24 hours beforehand.
Do you cater for people with allergies and intolerances?
Yes, our kitchen team will adapt the menu accordingly. Please notify us of your dietary requirements at least one day before your visit.
Where are the nearest parking spaces to the restaurant?
You can often find free-of-charge parking spaces on the street during weekdays. Otherwise, and especially on weekends, we recommend using the nearby “Am Theater” car park (Willy-Brand-Platz 5).
How can I reach Sommerfeld by public transport?
Underground (subway): Willy-Brandt-Platz station (lines U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 and U8)
Tram: Weser-/Münchener Straße stop (lines 11, 12, 14, 18 and 22)
Are children welcome?
Of course, we look forward to welcoming our younger guests. Although we do not offer a special children’s menu, we are happy to serve them dishes from the menu.
Is there a dress code?
No special outfits are required. Most of our guests dress in a “smart casual” style.
Do you offer gift cards?
We do not currently offer gift cards. If you would like to pay for a bill in full in advance, you can pay the amount via bank transfer. It is not possible to pay by credit card in this case, unfortunately.
Do you allow dogs in the restaurant?
Due to the open-plan nature of our kitchen and out of consideration for our other guests, we kindly ask you not to bring dogs with you.
When are you closed for holidays?
Sommerfeld is closed from 6th to 16th January 2025.
Which jobs are currently available?
From the start of 2025, we are looking for a commis sommelier whose ambition is to take over the department. Training in the catering industry is a requirement.
Restaurant Sommerfeld
MFM Gastronomie Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Weserstraße 4 · D–60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone +49 69 56 99 80 80
Opening hours
Tuesdays to Thursdays from 18:30,
Fridays and Saturdays from 19:00.
Closed on public holidays.
Website credits
Responsible for the content of this website:
MFM Gastronomie Betriebsgesellschaft mbH,
represented by the Managing Director
Matthias Scheiber.
District Court of Frankfurt am Main,
HRB 86130 · VAT ID: DE 266635791
Address: Weserstraße 4,
D–60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 56 99 80 80
E-mail: restaurant@
We expressly assume no liability whatsoever for the contents of external links. Responsibility for the content of linked external sites lies exclusively with their providers and operators.
Interior design and furnishing:
Milica Trajkovska Scheiber
Concept, design and realisation of the website:
Photos: Eduardo Perez, Martin Oelze
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